May 2024

IIT Hydrogen at Motor Valley Fest 2024 in Modena!

IIT Hydrogen participated in the Motor Valley Fest 2024 in Modena, held from 2 to 5 May. This major event, organised by the Emilia-Romagna Region's automotive industry cluster, showcased the latest innovations in the automotive and motorbike sector, with a focus on high-end and cutting-edge cars. The Motor Valley Fest is a popular event involving fans and residents of the city of Modena, who are notoriously devoted to engines and racing. In the surrounding area, within a radius of 60 km, are the headquarters of world-famous companies such as Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Pagani, Dallara and Ducati, while Formula 1 is held in Imola. Among the most significant attractions, hydrogen-powered cars, including racing versions, had a dedicated space. IIT Hydrogen presented one of the cars financed by the LIFEalps project, Hyundai's Nexo, offering a broad overview of H2 service stations in Italy along with its own experience in the field.

March 2024

The association South Tyrolean in the World in Bolzano South!

As part of an annual meeting, the association Südtiroler in der Welt brought a group of senior citizens from different parts of Europe to South Tyrol. During their visit to IIT Hydrogen, a lively discussion on technology and future scenarios of zero-emission mobility took place. The open-minded and forward-looking group showed great interest in the potential of hydrogen in the mobility sector and openly discussed the changes that this technology can bring about.

March 2024

Think Tank Smart Mobility @ MIND in Bolzano

IIT Hydrogen recently welcomed a prestigious delegation from the Lombardy Region, accompanied by representatives of institutions, administrators and technicians from leading companies in the field of mobility and processes for hydrogen systems. The event was organised by the Think Tank of the MIND Milano Innovation District. During the visit, national and European progress and developments in the hydrogen supply chain were presented, highlighting the crucial role of the centre over the years in the advancement of these technologies. Guests had the opportunity to explore the facility and participate in in-depth discussions on the future of this promising energy source and infrastructure developments related to the LIFEalps project. Afterwards, the group visited SASA's hydrogen refuelling station, completing an informative and inspiring experience on the importance of hydrogen in the energy transition.

January 2024

New project set-up

In November 2023, an amendment request to the LIFE IP ZERO project was submitted to the European Commission. The proposed amendment concerns several key aspects of the project, such as the realisation of new hydrogen production at the Eco Centre in Bolzano and the function of the green hydrogen production plant at the IIT, together with the implementation of hydrogen filling stations. Between the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, a significant turning point has emerged with the possibility of including new hydrogen production in the investments co-funded by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), with the Province of Bolzano aiming to establish a 'Hydrogen Valley' on its territory. The project also includes the development of a demonstration and experimental fleet of hydrogen vehicles, the introduction of new complementary actions, some changes in partnerships and the extension of the overall project duration until 2029.

January 2024

Open day at the LBS Bolzano

The highlight of the open day at the Provincial Technical College for Crafts and Industry in Bolzano was the opportunity to see a fuel cell vehicle up close. IIT and SASA provided to the school a car from the Korean car manufacturer Hyunday, a Nexo, to give the public an even better understanding of hydrogen technology.

The vehicle and the associated hydrogen economy attracted a great interest. The audience consisted mainly of students who would like to become car mechatronics technicians and their parents. It was possible to convey an overall picture of what the current and future requirements in this profession are or will be.

October 2023

IIT to the Azores

From October 24 to 27, 2023, the Azores hosted the international conference on climate change “Encontro internacional sobre as alterações climáticas”, bringing together experts from various countries, including political representatives and authorities. IIT, represented by Edmund Gasteiger, participated as a speaker, invited by LIFE IP CLIMAZ due to previous collaborations. The conference aimed to exchange ideas on climate change projects. Edmund Gasteiger presented the LIFEalps project to an audience of around 300 people, generating significant interest and prompting further discussions. The conference included excursions to showcase regional Azorean projects, focusing on energy supply, waste management, sustainable construction, and the protection of endemic flora and fauna. Networking events aimed at fostering connections among conference participants, emphasizing mutual learning and international collaboration. The organization was led by "Governo dos Açores" in collaboration with the "Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas," within the framework of the project LIFE IP CLIMAZ.

October 2023

The future with H2!

During IIT Hydrogen’s partecipation to the fair HESE in Bologna from 11th to 13th October 2023, the project LIFEalps has been presented as a concrete development of the zero-emission strategy in our territory South Tyrol. IIT hydrogen was present with a stand at the fair and visitors and industry H2 specialists have had the chance to get to know our plant and our project of decarbonization of mobility through hydrogen services. 

September 2023

Bolzano major drives a hydrogen car

SASA Director Ruggero Rossi De Mio and IIT Hydrogen Bolzano CEO Claudio Vitalini handed over the keys of the Toyota hydrogen car Mirai to the Mayor of Bolzano, Renzo Caramaschi, in a ceremony in front of Bolzano Town Hall. The car was made available by SASA for three months within the EU LIFEalps project so that the mayor can use it as part of his representative activities. This emphasises the joint commitment to promoting sustainable mobility.

July 2023

Partners’ General Assembly

On 28th July 2023 IIT Hydrogen has hosted the annual General Assembly. In a sunny day, LIFE IP Zero / Lifealps partners have joined in the IIT meeting room to discuss all points regarding the developments of the project. All year long, direct talks define the everyday life of the project and in this occasion all partners have the chance to discuss in person.

May 2023

Mercedes Hydrogen Prototype GenH2 comes back to South Tyrol

The Bolzano Hydrogen Centre once again had the honour to host the prototype of the Daimler Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck on its way from Germany to Italy via the Brenner Pass. Already in autumn of 2022 the GenH2 had come to the centre to refuell, and now in spring, with different weather conditions, Daimler tests its hydrogen truck on the mountain roads of South Tyrol.

May 2023

Meet us in Piacenza!

Huge turnout at the Hydrogen Expo 2023 trade fair in Piacenza! Hundreds of people came to our beautiful stand from 17 to 19 May 2023. A public eager to learn more about hydrogen technology and experts interested in our ten-year experience also thanks to the LIFEalps Project!


Claudio Vitalini moderated a congress on hydrogen sustainable mobility together with SASA, A22, Alperia, Iveco, Gruber Logistics and Toyota. CTO Marco Belloni was a speaker in a conference on safety of a hydrogen plant.

March 2023

Merano City Major tests H2 Car 

The mayor of Merano, Dario Dal Medico, tested a hydrogen car for four weeks for his official duties. The vehicle, a Toyota Mirai, was made available to him by SASA within the LIFEalps project. The Mirai, which is powered by fuel cells, offers a range of 380-450 kilometres and is characterised by its quick refuelling in just five minutes. Refuelling currently takes place at the station in Bolzano, where the hydrogen is produced sustainably by electrolysis of water using energy from hydroelectric power plants in the region.